Understanding Identity & Access Management (IAM)

Understanding Identity & Access Management (IAM)

Quantum Untangled - A Simplified Introduction to Different Types of Qubits

Quantum Untangled - A Simplified Introduction to Different Types of Qubits

Cubiq Live Sessions: How to prepare your cv for the job you want!

Brendan and Charli look at the topic of CV preparation to advise on the best tips & tricks for writing a CV

Unveiling the Future: ERP Trends in 2024

Check out everything we expect to see in 2024 in the ERP world

How Advancements in Artificial Intelligence Will Revolutionise Our Daily Lives in the Next 30 Years

AI is all the news at the moment but we wanted to look at how AI will affect our daily lives over the next 30 year.

Unveiling the Distinctions and Convergences: Microsoft Dynamics CRM vs. Salesforce CRM

What are the differences and similarities between Salesforce CRM & Microsoft Dynamics CRM?

IFS Cloud Summary

Here we discuss some of the key features of IFS Cloud

Women and the ERP Industry

With International Women’s Day approaching I thought it was a relevant time to write about women within the ERP world

What is a Fuel Cell?

Fuel cells are electrochemical devices that convert the chemical energy from a fuel into electricity

Autonomous Vehicles – Overcoming Legislation

Autonomous Vehicles are becoming a reality and this will be another technology which will change our lives

Battery Intelligence Platforms - Why Do We Need Them?

A battery monitoring platform is an application that enables the easy monitoring of a battery's performance.

Marketing yourself to AI employers

How to make yourself more attractive to the AI world

Would you trust AI to design a drug?

Drug Discovery Advancements Using Artificial Intelligence

A Dummies Guide to Automatic Speech Recognition

ASR is the future, get to know it

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